6 May 2011

Young Gun Slinger, Communication’s style

It has always been a tale told by parents of being the best at what you do.  In sports especially we see parents pushing their kids to do well at a young age.  On Tuesday ours Sports Journalism class was lucky enough to meet a young uprising communication student Grant Paulsen, a young radio expert.

Grant had started early in life, helping out with a sports radio show his Uncle ran,  he talked about his progression in to today.

Grant is a blogger for the Washington Redskins.  His message was to be credible.  He stated the real difference between radio and reporting was credibility.

He mentioned a specific quote that really sunk its teeth into your neck.  It was a life lesson, that would be something I hope to carry forward.

He stated “Id rather have it best, then get it first.”

It wasn’t about getting the first story out, it was about being credible and well spoken.

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